Teacher Coordinator for Montessori Model United Nations

Teacher Coordinator for Montessori Model United Nations

Mentorship. Prepare students from different schools (not only Montessori Schools) for Montessori Model UN Conferences online, and abroad by giving them the guidelines for writing position papers, speeches, resolutions, and the UN rules of procedure.

CLIL Curriculum Planning

CLIL Curriculum Planning

Curriculum Design. Create an effective and appropriate curriculum according to the 4C's CLIL framework that aligns with state standards, paying attention for both language and subject knowledge based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and the objectives for each discipline.

Bilingual Schools

Bilingual Schools

Administration. Knowledge and organization of bilingual education centers at all levels.

Attention to diversity

Attention to diversity

Caring attitude and student engagement. Develop and application of teaching methodologies adapted to the diversity of students in a bilingual environment.

Academic Advisor

Academic Advisor

Students' assessments and engagement. Work in collaboration with parents, teachers, principals, administrators so the student can develop the academic and social skills needed to succeed.